Sunday, January 19, 2014

My own little Treehouse Master

My son, who recently became a teenager, has spent several afternoons and weekends helping Dad and Grandpa on the addition--not to mention years of tagging along with Dad to job sites--so he knows his way around construction. He's also an avid artist and project designer. (He has developed and created some pretty impressive costumes, models, etc. in his short, creative life.)

The other day, amidst a gorgeous turn in the weather, he and my youngest got it in their minds that they needed a treehouse. They scouted the property and had set their eyes on a lone, hundred-year-old pecan in the east pasture. It's a lovely tree, but it's all alone and surrounded by a valuable hay pasture. Our north pasture has a small grove of pecans that we convinced him would work much better. Once convinced, he got to work. 

I was inside and thought he was only outside coming up with plans. The next thing I knew, my youngest was coming in to tell me to come check out their progress. He had borrowed tools from Dad and took extra wood from the build site. By nightfall, he had the frame and some of the cross braces for a large platform. It's Sunday afternoon now, and instead of watching the AFC championship game (which I am recording for him), he is back at work and has framed up more supports, including that for a trapdoor entry. 

I love seeing proof that he has learned as he has watched us work. He took great care with his level, square and tape measure to ensure the integrity of his structure. I love even more how satisfied he is with his work. I keep wanting to jump in and offer design help or other input, but rather than inserting myself into the project, I'm trying to offer only a little coaching on safety measures and leaving the rest up to him and his sisters. They are so cool!

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