Friday, January 24, 2014

It’s so cold!

Typically, I love cold weather.  I love winter clothes and stylish winter coats.  I love the snow and having to turn on the heater or light a fire.  I love seeing my breath in the cold winter air.  I love skiing in Colorado with temps in the 30s, 40s, single digits—anything.  I often complain about how short our winter is in my neck of the woods.  This year, I have made no such complaint.  It seems like it has been cold and wet for weeks on end now, and I’m ready for that to end—mostly. 

Now, understand that when I say “cold”, I am saying that in Texas terms.  I know that my winter has nothing on Boston, Cheyenne, Toronto or even Seattle or Nashville.  I’m simply saying that I have discovered that I just don’t appreciate Texas winters in the city where it’s all concrete and buildings.  Evidently, that is what has kept me warm all these years.  The Weather Channel keeps telling me that it is only a degree or two cooler here than it is at my old house in the suburbs.  I beg to differ.  The wind never quits here, and there are no structures to block said wind nor is there any concrete around except under my carport. 

I have discovered that though my closet is loaded with clothes for all seasons, I still do not have enough to keep out the chill.  In the past, I have waited with anticipation for the days when the local weather man would predict temperatures in the 50s or 60s so that I could finally pull out a long sleeve shirt and playful scarf and not worry about sweating to death.  Now, I can’t find enough things to pile on.  I find myself shopping for cute fleece pullovers for daily use rather than just to pack on ski trips.  Those who know me are likely scoffing at this because surely in the vast wardrobe that I possess there must be plenty of things to wear.  However, those who know me ought also know that when I say I have nothing warm to wear, it really just means there’s nothing cute to wear.  It might be time to find a way to carve out some wardrobe renovation into this overall renovation budget.  In the meantime, my front porch speaks for all of us… Brrr!

By the way, I actually started writing this a couple of weeks ago but never finished.  It warmed up for a couple of days, but today, we are “iced in” (by Texas terms, anyway).  Basically, that means that it rained and we have not gone above freezing since last night.  There may be ice on some bridges and overpasses, but it can’t be too bad.  I can, however, attest to the fact that the north side of my carport and the front half of my front porch are presently like ice rinks, and the net on our trampoline is now frozen mesh.  By Sunday it will be in the upper 60s.  God bless Texas!

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