Saturday, February 8, 2014

Roofing and windows

We finally had a few days without rain and with temperatures above 40, so the roof supports and rafters started going up.  (It was still crazy windy--as it has been seemingly since the day we moved in--but that didn't seem to slow anyone down too much.)  This is still the heavy-lifting phase, so I really don't have much to do with it except for design input and running to the store when we run out of something.  My husband and father-in-law are running this part of the show for sure.  I have lost track of the hours that my father-in-law has spent over here working on our house at this point.  We think he will finally take a break now that shingles are up.

The peak of the roof doesn't look that high from a distance, but when you look out of one of those second story windows, you realize that it is a long way down.  I think I calculated that the peak is about 30 feet up, hence the giant lift that was rented to get the roof decking and shingles up to the second story.

The lift was also very helpful for getting windows up to the second floor.

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