Wednesday, December 18, 2013

When it’s done raining, it’s time to pour

The cement truck arrived this morning, but the driver wasn’t completely certain he had actually arrived.  The weather has turned and gotten much warmer over the last few days, so we had a thick layer of fog this morning.  Our house is nearly 1000 feet off of the road, so we were very difficult to spot.  My father-in-law and husband got in the truck and started honking the horn and flashing the headlights until they were spotted.  Once he realized he was in the right place, he headed to the back of the property and the pouring began (after everyone had to scream and wave their arms at him to keep him from running over our new septic tanks with his giant cement truck).  The rest of the day was spent levelling the cement in each individual hole (the workers we had hired had already run string lines and determined the right depth, etc. for the holes).

It was a messy day (for them), but one more thing is checked off the list.  And one more large check is written.

A few days later, lumber was delivered and they started leveling the beams.  Another large load of lumber is coming Christmas Eve.  Then, the real fun starts.

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