Monday, November 25, 2013

How I love an Excel spreadsheet!

My husband will attest to the fact that I have no love for budgeting.  My recent move from the workplace to staying home with the kids has nudged me in a more compliant direction in that respect, however.  Anyone who has ever worked with me can probably attest to the fact that though I don’t love budgets, I do love spreadsheets.  I also love designing new spaces from the floor up—floors, walls, tile, fixtures, fabric, etc.  This project, AKA our soon-to-be home, definitely calls for a spreadsheet.  And a budget, I suppose.

Thank you, Pinterest, for being there to store all of my design ideas as I have designed and planned and shopped over the last few months preparing for this project.  My apologies to my Pinterest followers if I have bored you with yet another post of a link to white subway tile, a 3-light wall fixture or a ranch gate that looks remarkably like the last one I posted.  Pinterest, which I once mocked as a waste of time, has, for me, become exactly what I think it was intended to be—a virtual pin board or design binder that I can access from my phone or computer.  It has helped me catalog ideas and keep track of where I found the things I like.  My Excel spreadsheet has helped me keep track of my more final choices and estimate costs.  My spreadsheet is full of formulas to total projected cost per room and the overall project of adding on.  As I purchase something, I highlight it on the spreadsheet so when my husband wants to get an overview of what we are spending he can see what we already have and what is left to buy.  I love that I have completely highlighted all the purchases for my one bathroom (blog post on the bathroom renovation coming soon).  (I also love that we will be adding more bathrooms very soon!)  Each time I highlight a purchase I feel like I've accomplished something.

Thank you, Microsoft, and thank you, Pinterest, for adding a little nerdy joy to my renovation!

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