Friday, September 6, 2013

Never say, Never

It’s real.  It’s happening.  It’s not a joke.  And no, we aren’t completely crazy.  Not completely.  In August of 2013, our family became the owners of a 9+ acre property in a land far, far away from the suburban homestead we have lived in and loved for 13+ years.  Okay, so it’s not really far, far away, but as I share our plans with friends, I find myself justifying the distance and trying to tone down the crazy.  But even if it is crazy, which I don’t really think it is, who cares?  Life is an adventure, and I’m more than happy to walk through any brand of “crazy” with the Lord before me and my husband by my side—never mind the three not-so-little-anymore wonders with which He has blessed us.

So, how did this all start?  That’s really a tough question.  And it’s actually one with several different answers.  Maybe they aren’t all different answers; they’re just many, many answers that all play into one big picture.  The fact is I was born in one of the largest cities in the nation, raised in the suburbs, went to college in a small town, moved back to the city, got married to a wonderful man with a similar city/suburb history, moved back to the suburbs (fully intending to return to the city at the first opportunity), had three children, and now we are moving to the country.  But again, why?

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